Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyKV32XBR10IC-101 DOES NOT MATCH PART NUMBER IN MANUAL, TVP SB # 92 Above part number does not match with the part called for inthe service manual.
SonyCDP570S/M ERROR; E-F BALANCE ADJUSTMENT Page 7 of the S/M. E-F balance adjustment call for groundingTP(GND) to set adjustment mode.
SonySTRGX60ESBIAS ADJUSMENT PROCEDURE IS INCORRECT Noticed the bias adjustment was not correct in the Servicemanual. In the manual, it called to measure across R710(LF) & R760(RT).I believe you should measure from the emittrs of Q-704 & Q-703 for theleft channel and Q-754 and Q-755 on the right channel.
SonySTRGX50ESBIAS ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE IS INCORRECT Noticed that the Bias adjust was not correct in servicemanual. In the manual it called to measure across R710(LF) & R760(RT).I believe you should measure form emitter of Q-704 and Q-703 for the leftchannel amd from the emitter of Q-754 and 755 on the ri
SonyKV32XBR15IC-101 DOES NOT MATCH PART NUMBER IN MANUAL, SEE SB # 92 Above part number does not match with the part called for inthe service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: During production, the microprocessor was changed. Thesetwo ICs are not interchangeable. Please check to see what micro is beingused before ordering from KCP
SonyKV27XBR65IC-101 DOES NOT MATCH P/N IN MANUAL, 8-759-633-67, SB 092 Above part number does not match with the part called for inthe service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: During production, the microprocessor was changed. Thesetwo ICs are not interchangeable. Please check to see what micro is beingused before ordering from KCP
SonyCDP370S/M ERROR; E-F BALANCE ADJUSTMENT Page 7 of the S/M. E-F balance adjustment calls for groundingTP(GND) to set adjustment mode.
SonyKV27XBR10REMOTE GIVES IREGULAR FUNCTIONS, REPLACED IC-1701 When using the remote control, unit would operate erratically.For example, hitting the power off, the set changes channel.
SonyKV20EXR10NO POWER, REPLACED C-112 No power. Pins 29, 1, 38, 27 all checked out ok. However,there was no 5V on pin 25 (power) on IC-101 and as a result no drive forthe relay from pin 7 of IC-101.
SonyKX1901AWHITE VIDEO SMEAR ALONG WITH JAIL BARS IN BACKGROUND The unit displayed a white video smear along with jail bars inthe background. Scoping TP-92 revealed 2V ripple, also found 1 Volt ofripple at TP-93.
SonyKV27TS30HORIZONTAL JITTER, REPLACE C-501 Horizontal jitter for the first 10 minutes. Then unit worksfine.
SonyITA850UNIT CUTTING OFF ICM Answering machine cutting off ICM after a couple of seconds.Found this problem in three units also serial numbers 15668 and 81697.After unit cut off, ICM machine would default into answer mode 2. Putunit in test mode, put unit into ICM play, ICM began t
SonySLV50HEAD DRUM REPLACEMENT PART This part is being substituted by part number 8-848-518-01.When this substitute part is installed, tapes recorded on the machine havea rainbow noise pattern at the beginning of the recording evidence thatthe flying erase head is not working. When the or
SonyEVS700UUNIT WILL NOT POWER UP Unit will not power up.
SonySLVR5UCNO DISPLAY No display. Replaced display board still no display. Checkedvoltage on drive IC no -30V traced -30 to power supply. Found resistoropen (nothing on power supply block in the service manual).Replaced resistor on -30V, display is ok. Put old circuit boa

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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