Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: sony

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SonyCCDTR5PART NUMBER FOR MD FRAME ASSEMBLY What is the part number for the MD frame assembly?
SonyKV1921PART NUMBER FOR R-509 IS WRONG Part number is wrong for resistor R-509. -HQ COMMENTS: Correct part number is 1-216-352-11.
SonyKV1370RCRT GRID 2 SHORT, INTERMITTENT COLOR FLASH, CRT SHORT REMOVE CRT black - occasionally can see a flash of color or streak invideo. Found G-2 shorted inside CRT. Symptom on several 13 inch CRTs andone 19 inch.
SonyKV27XBR10NO VERTICAL SWEEP, REPLACED IC-1303 No vertical sweep or any functions except a narrow horizontalline on the screen. The vertical osc. waveform, IC-301/pin 34 was good.There was no vertical drive, IC-301/pin 31. The DC voltage on pin 47 and48, the data and clock line measured only 1-2 vd
SonySPP60IF AMP BOARD CONNECTION TO MAIN BOARD The way the IF board is physically connected to the main boardstresses the circuit traces at the connection point causing damage. Theseconnections then have to be made by jumpers that are very time consumingto install. This happens very often.
SonySPP170DOES NOT LOCK IN ON CHANNEL Unit will not lock in on a channel.
SonySSU420SPEAKER FAILURE RESULTING IN DISTORTED AUDIO Repeat failure of speaker - third time needs to be replaced. -HQ COMMENTS: Will fax Tokyo with your information. To Tokyo: There is ahigh amount of usage for this speaker. There has been 871 speakers usedYTD. Is there some solution, such as a fuse, th
SonyAVU270AC SWITCHED OUTLET NOT WORKING Q-814 and Q-815 of relay drive is bad. Q-815 would keepopening up. Found D-902 on power relay board shorted. Part number forD-901 and D-902 not listed in service manual.
SonyKPR41DS2SHUTDOWN - LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY, REPLACED C-5080 At turn on, B+ and HV would come up and shutdown immediately.
SonyKV19TR10VERTICAL FOLDOVER ON TOP OF PICTURE WHEN COLD, LEAKY C-534 When unit is first turned on, unit has foldover on top ofpicture. Once it warms up, it disappears.
SonyKV10FMR20WILL NOT HOLD ANY MEMORY Will not hold any memory. Must reset all channels, volume andall secondary controls everytime you turn unit on. These controls are allin max position upon turn on.
SonySTRAV880NO DISPLAY (PARTIAL) No graphic display of tone balance, volume, muting. Functionswould work and other parts of display would work.
SonySLHFT7INTERMITTENT POOR FAST FORWARD AND REWIND During Fast Forward and Rewind brake solenoid would come oncausing poor Fast Forward and Rewind.

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