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SonyEVC3INTERMITTENT TRANSPORT PROBLEMS Intermittent transport problems. At power up counter displays1:00:00 and won't reset tapping on unit would sometimes restore normaloperation. Traced problem to cold-solder connection at X-301 on RS-32PCB.
SonyCDPS107POOR SLED GEAR ALIGNMENT CAUSES SKIPPING We have had some reports that the sled rack gear is notproperly aligned on the replacement assemblies. This causes skipping atthe outer edge of the disc most of the time.
SonyCPD1304WE NEED PART NUMBER FOR CABLE Please look and let me know part number for the RGB cable forCPD-1304C. -HQ COMMENTS: The Cable Part Number is: SMF523. This is also the partnumber for the cable used in the CPD-1302.
SonyKV32XBR70INTERMITTENT SOUND AND PICTURE, RESOLDERED IC-582 9V REG In-home customer complained of intermittent sound and picturebut displays could be called up at anytime.
SonyCCDF35NO CAMERA VIDEO - JUST PURPLE SCREEN No camera video. The monitor is just a purple screen. Tracedvideo to encoder IC-606 but no video out of IC-606 just sync.
SonySTRAV920RECEIVERS OUTPUTS DAMAGED AT INITIAL TURNON Dealer unpacked units to put on display. At initial turn on,units outputs were damaged. Technician found burrs around screwholes where output transistors attach to heatsink, this made a hole in theinsulator and short collector to ground.
SonySTRAV1020RECEIVERS OUTPUTS DAMAGED AT INITIAL TURN ON Dealer unpacked units to put on display. At initial turn on,units outputs were damaged. Technician found burrs around screwholes where output transistors attach to heatsink. This made a hole inthe insulator and short collector to ground.
SonySL5200NO HI-FI IN RECORD WHEN HI-FI SWITCH IS ON When in Record and Beta Hi-Fi switch is turned on green Hi-Filight turns on and there is no sound and no level display. Measured Q-308emitter and found it to be 3 volts DC instead of 9 volts. Replaced Q-308to restore operation. Also installed cap hit
SonyCDP390INTERMITTENT NO FOCUS SEARCH OR LD ON Intermittent no focus search or LD on when loading disk.
SonySLV575UCTAPE GOES IN PART WAY AND EITHER JAMS OR EJECTS OUT Tape goes in part way and either jams or ejects. Tapedoor was not opening. Found door release assembly loose from snap onholders. This is the third unit I have received for repair with thisproblem.
SonyCCDF55SOMETIMES NO THREADING - MAY/MAY NOT START AFTER THREADING Sometimes no threading, if it threads it may or may not start.If it starts, play may stop. Freezing SS-100 board would duplicate.
SonyCCDF55WOULDN'T GO INTO RECORD POWER UP Unit will not go into record power up. S-900, the Stand-byswitch had cold solder joints.
SonyCCDTR7VERY JUMPY Very jumpy, looked similar to tape path off except worse.
SonyAPM007AVLOSS OF POWER After approximate one minute, AMP LED fades and audio cutsoff. This unit has an audio detect circuit that should cut power off whenno audio is present, but it cuts off even if there is audio. Audio wasgoing into Q-301 but not out. I have seen this thr
SonyTAAV501NO AUDIO/INTERMITTENT RIGHT LEFT No output on right channel. Noticed audio on tone input line(R) (CN-513 pin 3) was shorted to ground. Found that metal shielding onfront panel beneath volume control connector (CN-402) was shortingconnector pins.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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