Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonySTRAV920SERVICE MANUAL CORRECTION The schematic is incorrect. It shows IC-701 reversed, pins1-15 are shown in the wrong sequence. The voltages on 1-15 are correct asshown in schematic with the exception of B+ and B-. Example: on PCB C702and R-702 actually connect to pin 15, on schemat
SonyKPR36XBRINTERMITTENT SHUTDOWN, CHECK REF. VOLTAGE FOR HV PROTECT KPR-36XBR will operate properly until unit is warmed up thenif a scrambled cable channel is punched in, the unit will go intoshutdown. The only way to get it back on is to push power and channel upor down simultaneously.
SonyCCDTR5FP-114 PART NUMBER What is the part number of the FP-114 flexible board? -HQ COMMENTS: It is very difficult to replace this part because it mustbe positioned just right with respect to the mode switch. It isrecommended that you replace the complete chassis assembly (A-70
SonyKV27HSR10BLACK BAND AND RETRACE LINES, REPLACED IC-301 Black band from top to bottom on the right-hand side of thescreen approximately four inches wide. Also, white retrace lines at thetop of the screen and red and blue lines in the middle of the screen.The black band was in the way so you could not read th
SonyCCDV110NO OUTPUT - UNIT DEAD No output (unit dead) F-903 fuse blown.
SonyCCDV220UNIT SHUTSDOWN If any function was attempted such as Play, FF or Rewind drumwould start up, come up to speed, then the unit would shutdown. Modeswitch checked out ok. The symptom seemed to lead to no RFS at themicro but when checked was there. One strange check deter
SonyKV27XBR50FLICKERING WITH ASC FUNCTION ENGAGED, SEE TVP SB # 78R1 With ASC engaged, picture contrast goes bright to dim like ona switch being turned off and on. Changed above IC and no change insymptom. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to TVP Service Bulletin number 78R1.
SonyKV27XBR50NO PICTURE LEVEL/NO CHROMA, REPLACED IC-102 When first turned on, unit displays dark picture with nocolor. Color and brilliance can be restored by setting of user controlson remote. However, when unit is switched off and on again, it resets tothe initial state.
SonyKV2781RPIN-CUSHION PROBLEM, RESOLDER R-577 (H SIZE CIRCUIT) Customer complaint was that they could not see the channelnumbers and the volume control lines were not straight.
SonySPP90AVAILABILITY OF CHARGE TERMINALS Need part number for reference number 5 on page 31. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo Fax (T90116): The part number is as follows. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 3-395-601-01 CHARGE TERMINALThis part is currently available at KCPS.A se
SonyKX2501POOR TO NO OPERATION AT LOW VOLTAGES Unit started whistling and misbehaving (width problems,pin-cushion, etc.) if voltage was 120V or lower (ok at 121V).
SonySLV272UCPART NUMBER FOR IC301 CP-1 BOARD There is no part number in the Service Manual for IC-301.
SonyTCK950ESADDENDUM TO FPR L1264 Customer has had three brand new units with the same problem.Each evidences a scraping noise, apparently coming from the T-side pinchroller. Repetition rate of noise roughly equals one rotation of pinchroller. On his second unit I replaced the pinch ro
SonyKPR4110P/N FOR THE NEW D BOARD,A-1340-802-A Servicer found when servicing this unit that the D-board wascracked and ordered a new one. Upon receiving the new board, he noticedthat the new board contained only 6 connectors while the old boardcontained 8 connectors. The only part number in the S/M

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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