Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: sony

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SonyEVS350INCORRECT PART NUMBER Above part number substitutes to 8-719-109-57. This isincorrect as this is a RD2-4ESB2 diode.
SonyKVX370NO OPERATION (POWER ONLY) Unit appears dead but there is power.
SonyCDXA30NO PLAY If replacing RF board on unit, there will still be no play.
SonyCDXR77NO EJECT Disc hangs up before eject cycle is complete. Found loosegear on roller shaft.
SonyCDXR77NO AUDIO Found connector CN-101 disconnected due to excessive pullingon external audio output cables (CNJ401).
SonyCCDV101NO PLAYBACK RF Traced problem to HR-10 board not receiving RP-5V on pin 7,however, had 5V on pin 19 (reg 5V) traced problem to L-236 open (236 wouldnot cause problem if the schematic were correct).
SonyCDXA30REVISION OF SERVICE BULLETIN NUMBER CAR0130 The service bulletin tells you to connect pins 3 and 7 in theRMX2 to cure the distorted audio but in most cases the customer usuallysends in the CDX-A30 and not the RMX2.
SonyCDPC305INCORRECT PART NUMBER - SPINDLE MOTOR Part number for spindle motor (M-101) is incorrectly listed inthe service manual.
SonyCDPC205INCORRECT PART NUMBER - SPINDLE MOTOR Part number for spindle motor (M-101) is incorrectly listed inthe service manual.
SonyCDPC201INCORRECT PART NUMBER - SPINDLE MOTOR Part number for spindle motor (M-101) is incorrectly listed inthe service manual.
SonyCDPC35INCORRECT PART NUMBER - SPINDLE MOTOR Part number for spindle motor (M-101) is incorrectly listed inthe service manual.
SonyCCDV5000VERTICAL LINES IN PICTURE Vertical, winding lines in picture, unstable raster.
SonyCCDV101VERTICAL LINES IN PICTURE Vertical, winding lines in picture, unstable raster.
SonyCCDV99VERTICAL LINES IN PICTURE Vertical, winding lines in picture, unstable raster.
SonyD25DISC WOULD NOT ROTATE WHEN PLAY PRESSED When the Play button is pressed, disc spins intermittentlywith lid closed. With lid open and interlock defeated unit works.Particular problem with three-inch discs.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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