Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyCDXR79WILL NOT PLAY OR DISC SKIPS OR STICKS Unit came in with complaint of after accepting disc, it willnot play or disc skips or sticks after unit plays for a while. Anothersymptom is the MD base will work upside down and all adjustments look ok.
SonyCCDV101MECHANICAL NOISE WHEN THREADING OR UNTHREADING Metallic rattling noise during eject or threading modes.
SonyCCDF35NO CAMERA VIDEO SIGNAL IC-802 pin 31 had 0 voltage and would not open switchesQ-810 and Q-809 to get CLK, and data to IC-804 (EVR IC). All outputs ofIC were 0 volts. Iris was not opening.
SonySSTL5NO OUTPUT No output from speaker.
SonyCFD64INTERMITTENT AUDIO IN TAPE MODE Intermittent audio in tape mode. Too much pressure on FUNCTIONselector switch in tape mode, due to the position of the AUDIO PCB, wascausing intermittent loss of audio, This because switch failed to close.
SonyCDP350INCORRECT WAVEFORMS AND FREQUENCY IC-3, CXD1130Q, pins 76 and 80 have incorrect timing for pin80 and incorrect timing and waveshape for pin 76. -HQ COMMENTS: Thanks for the info. The correct waveforms are in the D3service manual, which utilizes the same chip.
SonySTRAV900NO POWER CONTROL Unit had previously been worked on for power surge. Three ICs(IC-404, control computer/IC-301, display control/IC-302-GEQ, displaycontrol) had been changed for no turn on. Checking the Must Havesrevealed +5Vdc ok but the osc. signal Stop signals were i
SonySTRAV900SERVICE MANUAL CORRECTION Service manual schematic and PCB layout diagrams are quitedifferent from the PCB in this unit (especially in the systems controlarea).
SonyCDX6020NO OPERATION Transistor Q-409 shorts, damaging the board.
SonyCCDF70PART NUMBER FOR (FP-134) FLEX BOARD Need part number for FP-134 flex board. It is the flexboard that goes between SS-93 board and JA-42 board. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 162622911
SonySPP90NO OPERATION No operation. Unit had power.
SonyCFD454INTERMITTENT SHUTDOWN OF CASSETTE PLAYER Erratic operation of cassette player. There are two commoncauses for this. One is that the Shutoff Lever loses its spring tension.The second is that the Belt (Ref #255) stretches.
SonyKV27HFRNO COLOR, REPLACE C-508 Pin 12 of IC-301 was about 1 volt DC, waveform was ok. Thehorizontal pulse at this pin is also used for burst flag inside this IC.C-508, connected to pin 12 of IC-301 was leaky.
SonySLV50EXCESSIVE WOW Unit had excessive wow in EP mode. SP was OK. Measured fowardand back tension, foward(90), backward(40). Found other machines read 150on foward tension.
SonyEVDT1NO POWER TAPE JAMMED IN UNIT Unit came in with tape jammed in the mechanism. After thetape was removed, the set would not function. The standby lamp was lit at all times when the set was plugged in. No other functions were operable.

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