Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonySTRAV920UNIT BLOWS 3.5 AMP FUSES Unit came in with blown fuses: F852, and F851. Result was noaudio. I replaced the fuses and put the unit on back bench to test it.Several hours later, the fuses were blown again.
SonySLHF900CUE/REVIEW When coming out of Cue/Review, capstan would not slow down.Tape would wrap itself around the capstan shaft.
SonyKV27HFRDEAD, SHORTED D-686 ON "G" BOARD Dead - could not get 135V line past 40 volts. This unit isdifficult to troubleshoot due to incorrect voltages in some areas aroundIC-682, IC-651, etc.
SonyKV27XBR60POWER ONLY, REPLACED IC-1301 Unit had no picture or sound. The main relay closed, H.V.came up and the sleep light illuminated. The symptom was just as if therewere no vertical timing pulse to the micro. In fact, there was no outputfrom the vertical drive pin on the jungle althoug
SonyRMX2AUDIO MUTED FOR 10-15 SECONDS WHEN SWITCHING TRACKS When switching from track to track or switching disc, first10 to 15 seconds of music is muted.
SonyKV27XBR10INTERMITTENT COLOR, REPLACED COMB FILTER, ALSO SEE SB # 53 Monitored IC-301/pins 4 and 5 on the A board. Chroma levelwould drop, traced back to Comb Filter.
SonyKV2011CRNO PICTURE/SOUND, L-659 VALUE CHANGED The unit had no picture or sound. We found the 8V line to beapproximately 2.2V. The problem was caused by L-659 in the pulse supply.While it looked ok and the ohms check was good, it had changed value.L-659's value is important. It's reactance determi
SonyCCDF55IC-82 (REF 364) CORRECTED PART NUMBER Servicer ordered above part number. The part is physicallydifferent from part in the unit. Computer shows this part to be forCCD-F89. Page 109 of service manual.
SonyCDP707ESDINTERMITTENT PLAYBACK Customer said unit would intermittently skip and stop playing.Unit had been at authorized shop two times (FOP changed once). Testedunit with no evidence of problems. Upon pressing on IC-101 (RF IC) RFpattern distorted and dropped out. As only pressing
SonySTRAV920UNIT TURNS ON/NO OPERATION-DISPLAY MALFUNCTIONS Unit turns on, however, there is no operation and the displayis erroneous. DRLC light stays on all the time, even though DRLC is notselected also EQUALIZER, TUNING, and INDEX lights on the display are onall the time, even if not selected.
SonyTCFX707RSEVERAL PARTS INSTALLED BACKWARDS ON THE NEW PC BOARD After installing new PC board, several problems occured.After troubleshooting PC board, the following components were found to beinstalled backwards: Q-303, Q-304, F-101, F-201, IC-304, Q-301 and Q-302.
SonySPP100INTERMITTENT LINE GRAB AND RING ON PHONE Phone would not ring sometimes, and sometimes, it wouldgrab line.
SonySPP110PART NUMBER INCORRECT - IC208 Above part number is incorrect.
SonyKPR46CX10HOW TO REMOVE CRT FOR REPLACEMENT Complete disassembly of unit for any type of service/CRTreplacement.
SonyKPR4110COIL FAILURE, MOUNT ON OTHER SIDE OF BOARD Coil failure - time saving solution.

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