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SonyPIC1000AC ADAPTER INDICATOR WITH BATTERIES Unit indicated AC adapter when using batteries. Found 2.8VDC on IC802 Pin 3.
SonyGDM20SE1SHUTDOWN CAUSED BY SCAN FAIL Power Save and Power indicators flash with Center indicatoron. Found IC404 caused the problem.
SonyCPD20SF2NO POWER SWITCH FUNCTION Power switch knob would not mechanically touch the mainboard power switch.
SonyCPD20SF2DEAD, POWER SWITCH DOESN'T RESPOND Unit has no power except 16V at D671 and 8V at D673 at inputof IC606. Missing 5V standby voltage at output of IC606.
SonyCPD17SF2MISSING COLORS OR NO PIX DUE TO VIDEO CABLE Short section of (partially rigid) RGB cable betweencomputer D-SUB 15 connector and in-line noise filter is flexed and bentcausing loss of color. Bent wires pulled loose inside the D-SUB 15connector. Cables on 2 units showed signs of being pressed bet
SonyCPD17SF2D BOARD MOUNT HOLE CRACKS D board has stress cracks in and around the two screwmount holes on each side of the board. One hole is next to R620 and theother is next to R496. Also applies to S/N 2108587, 2103926, 2103924,2108593, 2108592, 2103927.
SonyCPD17SF1UNEVEN FOCUS Center and edge focus would change form mode to mode.
SonyCPD15SX1REAR CABINET LOOSE Rear cabinet (bucket) is loose. Screw heads holding bottomlip broke through. Cover held only by upper hooks may be safety issue.
SonyCPD15SF2CONTROL CAN'T CORRECT SIZE, CENTRG, GEOM, ETC. Picture size, centering, geometry etc are incorrect. Frontpanel control is inoperable or will not correct problem.
SonyCPD15SF2NO POWER UP IN STANDBY Unit would not power up in Standby mode.
SonyZSM1DEFECTIVE FOP FROM STOCK Could not adjust laser power on replacement FOP. Meter wouldfluctuate between both ends of teh scale but could not set powercorrectly.
SonyZSM1WOULD NOT LOAD CERTAIN MINI DISKS Unit would not load certain disks. The MZ1 would load thesame disks with no problems.
SonyWMSXF44NO RADIO FUNCTION Flex board between main board and tuner board bends and opens. Replace with new flex board and problem will occur again.
SonyWMGX90TAPE KEEPS SWITCHING DIRECTION IC701 pin 32 missing 3 volts which turns Q401/332 onwhich drive DC-DC and rotation detect. My problem is that IC701 is notlisted in manual and control board is not available in KC.
SonyWMGX300INCORRECT PART NUMBER FOR MOTOR - CORRECT P/N IS X33711691 Incorrect part number for motor assy for this unit. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to CORRECTION-1 (p/n 9-959-645-91). In it youwill find the correct part number for the motor assy, which isX-3371-169-1.

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