Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyCCDF33NO PLAYBACK PICTURE No Playback picture. Q-224 (soft limiter) is not turning ondue to low dc bias.
SonyKV19TR20DEAD, REPLACED OPEN C-605 Relay would not close. Relay was checked along with Q-601,R-611, R-610. Both diodes only developing 50V DC. Found ripple presenton positive side of C-605. Because of this ripple the DC voltage droppedto 50 volts DC. Found one leg missing from C-605.
SonySLV575UCNO DIGITAL COUNTER The digital counter for hours and minutes lights up with zerosbut does not count. Tracking is ok, CTL is locked and picture plays backok. Note: CTL is used for the digital count. CTL was present on pin 67 of servo/system control (IC) butmissi
SonyXVD300SCRAMBLED PICTURE IN DIGITAL MODE In digital mode the picture was scrambled. Sync and writeclock were present at both IC-101 and 102. Video and demodulated chromaalso present at normal waveforms.
SonyTCWR930NO PLAY FUNCTION A OR B Unit would not Play, Fast Forward, nor Rewind on either A orB decks. Motor would turn and display is ok.
SonyPSLX520PILOT LIGHT COMES ON BUT NO START - NO MOTION Turntable would not turn only pilot light would turn on.
SonySTRAV910LEFT CHANNEL OUT No left channel. Intermittently would activate protectioncircuit while checking voltages around the circuit.
SonyHCDH5NO FM OR AM No AM/FM. All other functions work ok (CD, tape decks ok).Would get FM signal L and R channel ok to IC-705. Suspected signal selectIC replaced it but did not help. Checking further found that I wasmissing the 5.2V at pin 10 of IC-705. The 5.2 volts
SonyCFSW900NEED PART NUMBERS AS INDICATED Need part number as indicated on attached exploded view ofthe mechanical deck. The part is shown, but there is no reference numberindicated. -HQ COMMENTS: The reference number for the part in question is 365. Thepart number is 3-313-812-00, as indicat
SonySPPD15CANNOT PUT HANDSET IN TEST MODE To Tokyo: I followed your procedures in the service manual onputting the handset in the test mode. However, it did not work.Could you please check it out and respond as to the correct procedure. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo fax (T91023): To put the handset in t
SonyFD10APART NUMBER FOR DIAL POINTER Part number for dial pointer is missing from the servicemanual. -HQ COMMENTS: There is no separate part number for the dial pointer.This pointer comes as part of the front cabinet. Please see the ServiceManual Supplement No. 1, issued in October of 86,
SonySLV373UCTAPE RUNS FAST IN PLAY MODE In the Play mode the tape runs fast because of missing FGpulses from the capstan motor.
SonyCCDF55INTERMITTENT OPERATION The unit will operate intermittently.
SonyEVC3NO COUNTER - SHUTS DOWN WHEN REW/FF IS PUSHED Counter does not operate. If FF or REW is pressed during PLAYthe unit shuts down.
SonyEVC3TAPE COUNTER DOES NOT WORK All functions operate normally except tape counter won't countand won't reset.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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