Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonySPP120INCORRECT PART NUMBER - ANTENNA DUPLEXER DPX1 The part received from KCP is slightly larger than the one inthe unit. The dimension that causes a problem is the height the one fromKCP is too tall. The cabinet will not close as a result. This part isthe same one used in the SPP-100/110/150/300. I
SonyCPD1302AFTER WARM-UP, HIGH PITCH TONE After a warm-up period of 15 to 30 minutes, internal noisewould be generated (1kHz range). Using an isolated tool, and touchingT-653 the noise would stop and then return.
SonyCPD1302VERTICAL SYNC PROBLEM Unit came from independent service shop, they replaced IC-301on BA Brd and IC-206 on BD Brd. The vertical sync problem was notsolved (since they could not identify problem, unit was sent to us).Checked vertical sync at pin 9 on IC-206, ok. Checked pin
SonyKV27FX10INTERMITTENT LOSS OF VERTICAL DEFLECTION Unit would intermittently manifest reduced vertical deflectionand foldover. After a while, it would lose vertical deflection altogetherwith a bright horizontal line showing at the center of the screen. Tracedproblem to bad solder connection between DY
SonyTCDD10POWER IS ON BUT NO LOADING There is no tape loading after inserting the tape.
SonyTCW285CAPSTAN PART NUMBER Need part number for capstan. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 3-390-806-11. This number wasacquired from the Service Manual for the TC-W200 because they havesimilar Mechanisms. A service bulletin will be generated with thisinformation.
SonyKV20TX10INTERMITTENT PICTURE, FBT Picture would flash to black on heavy contrast scenes or whenpicture control was advanced. RGB output of IC-103 varying wildly.Output (pin 16) of PM-501 varying at same rate. Input (pin 9) of PM-501,same condition. Monitored ABL output of FBT pin 8 -
SonyTAM50WRONG PART NUMBER IN SERVICE MANUAL Part number (page 21, reference No. PH-2) 8-719-710-34 isincorrect.
SonyTAM30WRONG PART NUMBER IN SERVICE MANUAL Part number (page 21, reference No. PH-2) 8-719-710-34 isincorrect.
SonyCCDF55REEL GRINDING DURING THREADING Capstan motor high speed when set to play made a reel grindingnoise during threading.
SonyCCDF56REEL GRINDING DURING THREADING Capstan motor high speed when set to play made a reel grindingnoise during threading.
SonyGV9PICTURE HAS A GREEN DOT Picture has green dot in the center of screen about one inchup from the bottom.
SonySLV555UCSTILL NO REWIND WHEN PHOTO SENSOR KIT IS INSTALLED After kit was installed, found high speed Rewind is too slowand normal Rewind to shut down.
SonyKPR4110HORIZONTAL BLACK LINE 1/2 UP FROM BOTTOM OF SCREEN, C-5079 Unit displayed a black line resembling a pencil score markhalfway up from the bottom of the screen going horizontal across thescreen. This line was no more than 1/16 of an inch in diameter. Linedissipated after first five minutes of operation.
SonySLV555UCUNIT SHUTS DOWN Unit shuts down from low amplitude drum FG. Waveform shape iscorrect but the peak-to-peak level is only 1.5 volts.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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