Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: sony

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SonyMDP510DOES NOT PLAY ON CD BUT PLAYS FINE ON LD Plays fine for LD and CDV but when CD is inserted the FOPkeeps moving inside making mechanical noises.
SonyD180KFLASHING LIGHTS - NO OPERATION X-601 was oscillating erratically causing erratic operation ofIC-504 PWM Driver.
SonyITA850NO MEMO RECORD When MEMO/REC is pressed, the OGM will fast forward to the endof the tape and an error beep will sound.
SonyCCDF33NO VIDEO No output video.
SonyCCDTR4IRIS INTERMITTENTLY OPENS/CLOSES Iris intermittently opens/closes.
SonyCCDF55NO VIDEO FROM CAMERA No video from camera.
SonyKV32XBR70DEAD, REPLACE Q-505, Q-503 AND R-571 The PCB and the pictorial have the legs of Q-505 mislabeled.I believe reverse the base and emitter for proper installation. Even whenQ-505 is on heat sink, it can be reversed. On this set, Q-505 was shortedalong with Q-503 and R-571. Replacement did n
SonyKPR46CX10VERTICAL SWEEP COLLAPSE, REPLACED Q-403, 404, AND 405 Failure caused CRT Permanent damage (Red CRT).
SonyD25AUDIO MUTES AND DISPLAY GOES BLANK INTERMITTENTLY Unit is intermittent and acts as though it was tapped veryhard. Sound mutes and time display goes away and comes back at the samepoint on the disc - no skipping. The spring becomes weak and the opticalblock cannot move forward because of the pressure o
SonyD15AUDIO MUTES AND DISPLAY GOES BLANK INTERMITTENTLY Unit is intermittent and acts as though it was tapped veryhard. Sound mutes and time display goes away and comes back at the samepoint on the disc - no skipping. The spring becomes weak and the opticalblock cannot move forward because of the pressure o
SonyKV27HSR10DEAD, REPLACED FBT, R-571 AND Q-505 The unit came in with a shorted HDT. A new replacement wasimmediately burnt out.
SonyCFDW888UNIT SKIPS INTERMITTENTLY New optic and old one have flex lead rubbing against bottom ofchassis plate. This causes skipping when sled motor moves. -HQ COMMENTS: Thanks for the info. Tokyo has been informed.
SonyKV19TS20PICTURE DRIFTS, REPLACE Q-112 Picture drifts and distorts.
SonyKV27TS20PINCUSHION DISTORITION, D-519 Pincushion distortion.
SonySPPS10NO AUDIO ON HANDSET Handset audio board separates from the main circuit boardpulling the connection loose from the (audio) board. The audio board isnot available as a part, the entire main circuit board must be replaced.

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