Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyDTC700NO DISPLAY Unit had no -24 volts on CN-791.
SonyKPR46CX10ON/OFF BUTTON PART NUMBER, MUST CHANGE FRONT BEZEL Need the part number for the ON/OFF button. This button comesas part of the Bezel. It is very expensive to the customer to have toreplace the whole Bezel just for one button. -HQ COMMENTS: The buttons are not available nor, will they be made as arepl
SonyTCWR11ESSERVICE MANUAL DOES NOT EXIST Need part number for wood side panels, but there is no servicemanual. -HQ COMMENTS: Use the service manual for the TCWR950, as it is virtuallyidentical to the TCWR11ES. A one-page manual for the TCWR11ES describesthe differences between it and the TCWR
SonyKV32XBR10BAD SOLDER JOINTS AROUND T-501 HDT, RESOLDERED T-501 Bad solder joint around T-501 HDT and unit had a bad H-outD-1941.
SonyKV32XBR15NO PIX, OR SOUND, COLD SOLDER JOINT ON T-501 HDT, Bad solder around T-501 HDT, caused the loss of Hor sweep andno raster resulted
SonyTAM50INTERMITTENTLY MACHINE STOPS Intermittently machine will not reset or sometimes stops inmiddle of ICM recording. At that time you will see (-) on display. Alsopertains to serial number 23638.
SonyITA850NO SOUND Machine will automatically switch from OGM-A to OGM-B afterfirst ICM was recording. Headwire (HRP-701) is shorted (machine actinglike ICM tape is full) caused by IC-211 not in right position and touchingthe headwire. Thereby, shorting out the wire.
SonyCDXA2001DISCS JAMMING IN THE XA-10B Have received numerous complaints of discs jamming in XA-10B.Problem usually appears to be discs made off-spec (i.e. slightly thickerthan normal and having rough edges, so they fit too tight in XA-10B). Themost common brand of discs with this problem is
SonyCDXA30DISCS JAMMING IN THE XA-10B Have received numerous complaints of discs jamming in XA-10B.Problem usually appears to be discs made off-spec (i.e. slightly thickerthan normal and having rough edges, so they fit too tight in XA-10B). Themost common brand of discs with this problem is
SonyCDXA20DISCS JAMMING IN THE XA-10B Have received numerous complaints of discs jamming in XA-10B.Problem usually appears to be discs made off-spec (i.e. slightly thickerthan normal and having rough edges, so they fit too tight in XA-10B). Themost common brand of discs with this problem is
SonyCCDF56NO PLAYBACK - AUDIO Unit would not playback any audio.
SonyCCDV9NEW TRACK SHIFT JIG SUBS TO THE OLD PART NUMBER A servicer tried to order the new track shift jig and itsubstitutes to the old part number (J6080843A). How can I get the newtrack shift jig? -HQ COMMENTS: I checked both of the part numbers and they are bothgood in KCP.
SonySLV555UCADJUSTMENT OF SWITCHING POSITION 2 When attempting to make the switching position adjustment 2 asfound on page 140 of the service manual, I was unable to make any changeto the switching position by adjusting RV-501 on the MA-34 board.
SonySLV555UCSLOW REWIND - UNIT SHUTS DOWN When rewinding tape, especially near the beginning of the tapethe tape would slow down excessively and at times the unit would shutdown. Play mode was normal.
SonySTRAV480AUDIO OUTPUT IC-701 KEEPS FAILING IC-701 fails (audio output IC). Sometimes afterreplacing, IC-701 unit would work for a long time before going intoprotect mode because IC-701 had shorted out. Other times it would shutdown almost instantly. Again I would find IC-701 had shorted out (D

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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