Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyCDPC401INCORRECT PIN-OUT FOR IC-303 IN 1990 SEMICONDUCTOR BOOK The 1990 Semiconductor Replacement book shows that IC-303CXD2550P part number 8-752-328-72 subs to CXD2551P part number8-752-334-06. The substitute is a good one. The book does, however, showthat the pin out for the CXD2550 is for a 20 pin in line pack
SonyCDXA2001UNIT SKIPPING, POOR TRACKING While using a good YEDS 18 test disc, the unit sometimes wouldnot go past focus search. Even when it goes past focus search, it skipsbadly.
SonyCCDV101PURPOSE OF (. 1 2) SWITCH What is the purpose of the (. 1 2 ) switch? Customer recordeddistinctively different left and right information. During playback withthe switch in the 1 or 2 position he hears both left and right informa-tion. Please explain.
SonyCCDTR6PART NUMBERS FOR FFC-3, FFC-6, FFC-7 FLEX CONNECTORS One of our servicers needs the part numbers for the aboveCCD-TR6 flex connectors, which are not listed in the service manual.
SonySTRGX40ESPART NUMBER FOR IC-701 The part list in the service manual for IC-701 lists the partnumber for the STR-GX60ES only.
SonyCCDV5REPLACING LENS FOR CCD-V5 It takes too long to replace lens for the CCD-V5.
SonyCCDV101DOES NOT RECORD Camera will go to Record mode but on Playback only blackscreen. Found RF ok at TP-204 but no output on pin 27 or 22 going todrum.
SonySTRGX50ESPART NUMBER FOR IC-701 The part list in the service manual for IC-701 lists the partfor STR-GX60ES.
SonyWMAF57VOLUME VERY LOW Volume very low.
SonyTAM50WILL NOT RECORD MESSAGES After reset, may take one or two messages then will just shut-down.
SonyCCDTR5NO CAMERA RECORD No camera Record. Line in Record ok. Viewfinder ok in cameraposition. Video out from camera to monitor ok - Playback ok.
SonyKV2095RINTERMITTENT PICTURE BLANKING, LEAKY C-317 After unit warms up, picture would be blanked out and comeback ok at approximately one second intervals repeatively. Like ablinking effect.
SonyCCDV5000COLOR FLICKERS 30 SECONDS INTO PLAYBACK Color starts flickering after about 30 seconds of playback.
SonyD66CLV SUBSTITUTE PART - MOTOR LEADS TOO SHORT A-3133-372-A subs to A-3133-384-A. Original motor has eightinch leads. New motor has two inch leads.
SonyCCDTR6NO COLOR RECORD Camera will not record in color - playback ok.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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