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SonyCCDTRV21EATS TAPES (FOUND TESNSION SPRING, REF. 783 HAD COME LOOSE) Unit eats tape. Problem was found to be caused by tensionspring ref. 783, which had come loose.
SonyCCDTRV21DEAD (FOUND POOR SOLDERING ON CN003 ON DD-80 MCB) Unit was dead (would not even eject). Found problem to becaused by poor soldering of CN003 on the DD-80 MCB.
SonyCCDTRV21EJECTS IMMEDIATELY AFTER LOADING (REF # 752 WAS DISLODGED) Immediately after loading a tape, the unit would eject thetape. Found that the exit guide, ref. # 752, had come out of the track.
SonyCCDTRV21NO EJECT (SCREW FROM JK146 MCB CAME LOOSE, JAMMED MECH) Unit would not eject. Found screw from the JK146 MCB cameloose and jammed the mechanism. Screw was found relay gear ref. 812 andGL slider assy. ref. 820.
SonyCCDTRV21WON'T LOAD TAPE (FOUND DRUM WOULD NOT ROTATE; REPLACED DRUM) Unit would not load tape. Found that the drum had a tightspot which prevented it from rotating.
SonyCCDTRV21DEAD (FOUND FP-220 NOT SEATED PROPERLY) Unit was dead, but drew .32 amps no regardless of the mode.
SonyCCDTRV21NO REW OR REVIEW, NOISE IN PLAY (MAGNET ON REEL CAME LOOSE) The unit had no rewind or review. Noise could be heard duringplay. Found problem to be caused by the magnet on the supply reel comingloose.
SonyCCDTRV21DEAD (FOUND LOOSE CONNECTOR BETWEEN POWER MCB & MAIN MCB) The unit was dead found a loose connector between the powerboard and the main board.
SonyCCDTRV21WON'T STAY IN RECORD (FOUND MODE SWITCH IN WRONG POSITION) Unit would not stay in record when the start/stop button waspressed. Found that the start/stop mode select switch was set in theposition which allows recordings to be made only while the start/stopswitch is held in. This is an operational feature of th
SonyCCDTRV21DEAD (FOUND BATTERY CONTACT J001 ON DD-80 MCB COLD SOLDERED) Dead. Found battery contact J001 on DD-80 MCB was coldsoldered.
SonyCCDTRV21WON'T THREAD (FOUND HIGH TAPE TENSION DUE TO REF 769 LOOSE) Unit would not thread tape. Found problem to be caused byratchet tension spring (ref. 769) coming dislodged from at the chassisend.
SonyCCDTRV11WASHED OUT PIX (FOUND IRIS STUCK OPEN, COLD SOLDER CN-101) The picture was washed out. Found problem to be caused by astuck iris. Cold solder on CN101 of the CN-98 board resulted in the irisbeing stuck.
SonyCCDTRV11NO PIX IN EVF, ONLY VERTICAL LINE (FOUND BAD SOLDER ON L903) EVF had no horizontal scanning, resulting in only a verticalline displayed. Problem was found to be caused by bad solder on L903 onthe VF-102 board.
SonyCCDTRV11DOOR WON'T CLOSE (MODE SWITCH BAD, MECH DID NOT EJECT FULLY) Cassette door would not close, because the mechanism did notfully eject the last time the tape was ejected. Found problem to becaused by a faulty mode switch.
SonyCCDTRV11NO EJECT (FOUND TENSION REG. REF 833 WAS JAMMIMG LS CHASSIS) The unit would not eject the tape. Found problem to be causedby the tension regulator plate which had come loose and was jamming the LSchassis.

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