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SonySPP1010WRONG IC NUMBER AT PICTORIAL DIAGRAM- IC 901 AND IC910 IC901 and IC910 are wrong per pictorial diagran at printedwiring board handset.
SonySPP1010DEFECTIVE KEYPAD - REPLACE IC801 IN HANDSET, P/N 875932467 Not all keypad buttons on handset will function. Afterverification that handset keyboard is good I checked the rows and columnlines from key board to main board. While checking corresponding caps andresistors connected to each column and row, found R828
SonySPP1000DEAD HANDSET DUE TO DIRTY KEYPAD - CLEAN KEYPAD Handset was dead. Checked for bad connections, cracks, etc.After a bit of time, decided to clean rubber pad which appeared dusty.
SonySPP1000LINE LOCK LIINE LIGHT GOES ON AS SOON AS UNIT POWERS UP Line relay energizes and line light goes on as soon as unit ispowered up. Base of Q401 was high.
SonySPP1000CRACK ON HAND SET MCB No dial tone, found hair line crack in CN901 area. Itseems stress crack by mounting screw?Sample forwarded. -HQ COMMENTS: I examined the sample and I agree that it was caused bystress from the mounting screw. However it seems to be an isolated casec
SonySPP1000NO HANDSHAKE WITH BASE - CLEAN CORROSION ON R511 AND Q601 Handset and base pass tests but would not lock with eachother.
SonyCMH333NO POWER - RESOLDER U1 IN LOGIC BOARD The unit is dead. The unit will turn on if the logic PCB istwisted. I found the MPU IC U1 cold soldered.
SonyCMH333UNIT KEEPS TURNING ON AND OFF - REPLACE Q2, P/N 8-729-021-54 Unit keeps turning on and off. Q2 current limiter transistoris shorted between collector and emitter.
SonyGVS50CAPSTAN RUNS REAL FAST AND LCD IS NOT LIT D/A CONV MA137 As soon as you turn the power on, capstan will take thespeed if run real fast.
SonyGVS50NO PICT ON LCD, VID OUT OK/ RESOLDER CN901 No picture on LCD screen but video out works fine. If tapon main board MA137 get picture intermittently, with ramdomly changingcharacters in OSD running through LCD.
SonyTCWR531NO POWER - REPLACED IC801 Unit had no power, no B+ voltage to IC801 pin 24, voltagelost across R808. Unsoldered pin 24 and voltage came up across R808.
SonyTAAX380INTERMITTENT FUNCTION SWITCHING - RESOLDERED CNP901, CNJ901 Intermittently would not change functions.
SonyTAAV411UNIT HAS NO AUDIO - RESOLDERED J501-6 GROUND No audio output. Audio going into IC502 was OK but had nooutput. IC502 was extremely hot. Found pin 11 of IC502 at -2.1 volts.Traced to IC953 and found center pin (ground) on IC953 at 10 volts.
SonySTRGX800HUM IN BOTH SPEAKERS, ALL MODES - RESOLDERED C963/965 Loud hum in both speakers in all modes. Problem caused byC963 and C965 breaking loose from board. These capacitors are theprimary filters for +/-33 volt line to power amplifiers.
SonySTRD615DEAD - C211 SHORTING AGAINST JW350 Unit dead, no relay. Found 5v stop line at zero volts.Determined line was shorted on display PCB.

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