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SonyCDX4090NO AUDIO OUTPUT (FOUND Q593 DEFECTIVE) Found no audio output from unit. Found Q593 not switchingB+ on unit.
SonyCDX4050WON'T ACCEPT CD (FOUND SLIDER (L) REF 124 OUT OF POSITION) The slider (L) slips out of position and unlatches itselffrom the mech. With the slider (L) lever unlatched the mech is unableto load a CD.
SonyGEN-CAMLANC JIG SOFTWARE UPDATE VERSION 2.1A NOW AVAILABLE An update to the LANC jig software is now available. The newversion is 2.1a.
SonyCCDTR73BATTERY DOWN ADJUSTMENT DOES NOT WORK The procedure for the bat. down is incorrect in the SM. Referto the CCD-TR42/TR70/TR72/TR82 Supppplement-1, the procedure in theCCD-TRV30/TRV40/TRV70 SM or the procedure in the CCD-TR23/TR33 SM.
SonyCCDTR101CAUTION WHEN REPLACING VC OR VS BD / SEE SB295 The VC board (1-642-225-13 and lower) and the VS board(1-642-224-13 and lower) are not available. If either of the -13 orlower boards need replacement you must replace both boards with, VCA-7063-087-B and VS A-7063-257-B. Both the -B boards are -14 andh
SonyPIC1000DOES NOT RECOGNIZE BATTERY, REPLACED R226 Unit does not recognize battery in it. It works on AC. Found resistor R226 changed value to 16K.
SonyIVOV11DEAD UNIT, REPLACED R543 When power is switched on, green power light is on for 2-3seconds then it goes out and unit is dead.
SonyGDM20SE1ARCING PICTURE TUBE, Q511 FAILURE Q511 failures have occurred due to CRT arcing.
SonyCPD15SF1UNIT SHUTS DOWN, CENTER LED BLINKS Unit shuts down after power on and center LED blinks. Pin 3of CN515 has only -5v instead of -10v. Found defective C617. There isa hole on top of that capacitor.
SonyCPD1425BROKEN MAIN BOARD Dead, Main Board broken near flyback transformer. Damagecaused by hard plastic support bearing against weak spot on board.Unit bumped in normal handling causes a break in Main PCB.
SonyMHCC55MECH JAMS - R504, R503 NEW VALUES: R503 (180OHM),R504 (33K) Unit would only let tray #1 out regardless of tray called for, and would jam when trying to put tray 1 back into called for tray slot.
SonySLV940HFSQUEEL NOISE WHEN DRUM IS ROTATINGsqueel noise is produced when the drum is rotating
SonySLV780HFSQUEEL NOISE WHEN DRUM IS ROTATINGsqueel noise is produced when the drum is rotating
SonySLV770HFR132 WRONG VALUE ON SCHEMATIC & PARTS. In the process of repairing unit located Q132 defective but also measured R132 and found ti to be 390 ohms.

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