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SonyITID500NO KEYBOARD FUNCTION No keyboard function.
SonyITD250LINE 1 LOCK ON HOLD - LEAKY D302 Line 1 locks up on hold when line 2 is being used, or whenline 1 is ringing.
SonyTCW345BRACKET (A) ASSY DOES NOT FIT Ordered #359 (x33582051) flywheel assy (A) but part 259 camewith 260 bracket A assy. This bracket is shorter in height thanoriginal part. Why was the flywheel already mounted on bracket assy ofthe wrong height? Need correct part for bracket or shou
SonyTAAX401LIGHTNING DAMAGE, UNIT DEAD IC901 DEFECTIVE - REPL IC901 Unit has defective IC901, all display lights up at the sametime.
SonyTAAV521DEAD NO POWER - REPLACED IC501 AND IC101 Unit dead IC101 system control defective. No DC voltage tocontrol power relay line. Replace IC101 unit powers up but when I changemode to phono, unit has popping noise. IC501 defective.
SonyTAAV501UNIT ON PROTECT - Q700 LEAKY, REPLACED Unit goes to protect mode if AC over 120V.
SonySTRGX800ESAM/FM WON'T WORK - RESOLDERED T902 Unit has no reception.
SonySTRD990BUZZ IN REAR AND CENTER CHANNELS Buzz in rear and center channels.
SonySTRD711DISPLAY PROBLEM - REPLACED SYSCON IC202 All segments of display half lit when not supposed to be.
SonySTRD615RELAY BUZZES WHEN POWER TURNED OFF - REPLACED RELAY The power relay, RY901, buzzes when power turned off.
SonySTRAV910NO OUTPUT WHEN CHANGING SURROUND MODE - RESOLDERED IC404 When you change the surround mode to simulated or Dolby audiocompletely, pin 9 of IC404 goes high when you make that change in mode andaudio cust out pin 9 should be low at this time. -SOLUTION :Resolder IC404 will correct problem. -HQ COMMENTS: Pin 9
SonySTRAV500UNIT DEAD, ONLY SURND & MUTNG BTTN LIGHT - REPL D801,802 Unit has power relay kick on but no display and voltage -B,+Blost. Found D801 and D802, of the bridge rectifier, shorted on mainboard.
SonySAVA3POPPING NOISE IN DOLBY PROLOGIC MODE AT REAR SPEAKER Popping noise in dolby prologic mode at rear speaker only.Everything works fine. After turning on unit 10 mins unit starts pop atsome points in some songs on CD. Turn unit off and right back on ittakes 7 mins to start popping at some points again. Mon
SonyMDS101UNIT STUCK IN STANDBY MODE - RE-POSITION JAMMED EJECT SWITCH Unit stuck in standby. EJECT button constantly depressed.
SonyMDS101WOULD NOT EJECT DISC - REPL MISSING WASHER, REF.# 52 Unit would not eject disc. Washer on top left cover of sliderassy missing, which misaligned mech and made disc sit incorrectly.

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