Dicas Reparação MITSUBISHI


Resultados 1155

MitsubishiEuro 10Int loss of sound & picCheck vid I/p & o/p at AV sw chip IC2A2 M5132P - if no o/p either off air or scart this chip is sus; if o/p with scart but not off air sus Q2A2. If no pic but sound ok check Q104
MitsubishiEuro 10Int dead esp from coldC905 220µ, C906 47µ C912 4µ7 in psu
MitsubishiEuro 10int dead (could be ok for days)Same on dummy load proving psu fault. Opto coupler driver tr Q953 was to blame. BC547 suitable replacement
MitsubishiEuro 10HT lowQ953 JC501Q error amp
MitsubishiEuro 10Field lin faulty when coldGlue around pins of IC501
MitsubishiEuro 10Field jitter - intDry joint R461
MitsubishiEuro 10dead psu runsseveral electrolytics in psu leak electrolyte onto plug PB causing o/cs
MitsubishiEuro 10Dead - Q901 chopper tr blows at sw onD909 3v zener s/c was the cause; also replaced R901 4R7 5w, IC901 TEA2164
MitsubishiEuro 10DeadC905 470µ 25v
MitsubishiEuro 10Black lines , poor sync, no txt (until warm)C959, 962 100µ
MitsubishiEuro 1Diagonal pattern of dots across screenR914 100R in psu snubber cct o/c
MitsubishiEE4 CT25M5BT Dead - blows chopper tr s/cmod, i.e. change the 220R res on print side of CRT base to 1K2 1/2watt,this apparantly prevents a surge from blowing the chopper at switch off
MitsubishiEE4 CT25M5BTChopper Tr blows aft few daysReplace Q901 (chopper), R901 (4R7 10W), D909 (3V Zener) and change 220R resistor on the print side of the CRT PCB to 1K2 1/2 watt.
MitsubishiEE4 CT21M5BTReverts to st/by aft 15mins with a sqealHT was too high at 137V, due to R954 (120K in this set) going high
MitsubishiEE4 -M5 modelsTo enter service modePress & release S701 next to aerial socket, then press "9" on hset within 5 secs. Buttons 2 & 8 select adj code, buttons 4 & 6 adj data value. Button 1 cancels written data, button 0 stores data into EEPROM see article TV Jan 99 for more details

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