Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: sony

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SonyDTC75ESWILL NOT REWIND INTERMITTENTLY Will not rewind intermittently.
SonyD25DEAD UNIT No power with battery or AC adaptor.
SonyD25WON'T PLAY WITH BATTERY OR ADAPTOR D-25 won't play or charge battery.
SonyD66SKIPS REAL EASILY D-66 skips real easily.
SonyD9DISC WON'T SPIN Disc won't spin when Play is pushed. M-901's resistance isonly 1 Ohm instead of the normal 12 Ohms.
SonyDTC75ESPART LOOSE INSIDE UNIT Servicer found C-914 loose inside unit. Leads on capacitorappear to have been cut too close in factory and it fell out duringtransit.
SonyKV1311CRPOWER ON/OFF FUNCTION ONLY, REPLACED C-129 Set would power On and Off with remote or front of set, but noother keys on set or remote would work. Set had no volume and minimumpicture. Sleep light would not go out. Found C-129 off of IC-104 pin 22shorted.
SonyKV32XBR65PINCUSHION DISTORTION, REPLACED R-571, L-501 Set had narrow bowed-in picture on both sides. Found R-571on the A board had changed value to 22 Ohms.
SonyKV8AD10DEAD Dead set - Blows F-604 fuse. Found Q-651 shorted.
SonyCCDF77CCD-F77 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE There are many mistakes in the CCD-F77 alignment procedure.Will a bulletin be issued covering this? -HQ COMMENTS: A service bulletin will be issued describing thecorrections. See CSV-2 #198.
SonySLHF450NO BETA HI-FI RECORDING OR PLAYBACK Beta Hi-Fi LED lights but no Hi-Fi sound is produced. Also noE to E line - audio is present. This seen in three different SL-HF450s.
SonyKV27XBR15NO VERTICAL, REPLACED IC-1301 No vertical. Everything checked ok.
SonyKP7225SHUTDOWN, REPLACED C110 Unit shuts down when you change channel, volume etc. TP-6812V has noise on it. Replaced C-110. -HQ COMMENTS: C-110 is main filter capacitor of high B+ standby voltage(for relay drive) from which low B+ standby voltages (5V, 12V) arederived (for RC cir
SonyTAN77ESSLEW RATE - EXPLANATION OF SPEC Please explain the difference between the two slew ratefigures given in the manual. One is 150V/uSec, the other 300V/uSec(inside): What does this mean? -HQ COMMENTS: The 150 V/usec. reading is the slew rate of the preampsection. The 300 V/usec. is mea
SonyITM300BATTERY CONNECTOR REVERSED WHEN CHANGING MAIN PCB BOARD While replacing the main PCB, I had to change all plugs inconnectors from old PCB to new PCB. I then noticed that the leads onthe battery connector were reversed.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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