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SonySTRGX67ESUNIT IN PROTECT - REPLACED IC651 & 601 Unit goes into protect during self test. Disconnected CNP503& CNP956 on rear bd, turned unit on, no protect light.
SonySTRG1ESFE201 NOT FITTING CORRECTLY Pins are laid out incorrectly coming off FE201 (wrongdirection) bend them to the proper direction and they are shorter thanoriginal.
SonySTRG1ESNO DISPLAY ON UNIT NO FUNCTION DISPLAY - R783 OPENED Unit has open R783 47 on main board no display on unit, onlyletter sound field display.
SonySTRD990SURROUND SOUND DOES NOT WORK - REPL Q641 AND 643 Q641 and Q643 shorted, relay for surround speaker did not kickin.
SonySTRD790DISPLAY PROBLEMS - REPLACED CONNECTOR CN101 Eventually found heat sink compound on CNS101. The femaleconnector that accepts ribbon cable from display pcb. Pins 9/10/11/12were involved. Tried cleaning, problem still existed. Replacedconnector. These pins carry key in PL data, clock, latch. Mic
SonySTRD790NO TUNING FUNCTION - REPLACED C89 Not tuning in stations. Found C89 open and leakingelectrolyte.
SonySTRD590NO LEFT CHANNEL - RESOLDERED C712 Resoldered C712. One side was unsoldered.
SonySTRD1015LOW SOUND, FUNCTIONS INOPERATIVE - CN201 AND 202 LOOSE Low level output, all functions mixed together.
SonySTRAV23SOME FRONT PANELS BUTTONS INOP - REPL MISSING D327 Buttons for tuner and video would not work. Used remote toselect tuner found preset buttons 8, 5, 2 didn't work. Pin 63 IC301 lowin amplitude compared to pins 62 or 64, with button pushed. Found D327missing.
SonySTJX431DEFECTIVE DISPLAY - REPLACED DEFECTIVE FL DISPLAY Unit has defective display. By visual inspection of display,revealed some segments were dimmer than others (7 segments).
SonySSU431RVCABINET BUZZES - RE-GLUE AND CLAMP Cabinet buzzes or resonates at low frequencies, sounds likebad woofer.
SonySEQ333ESNO MEMORY WHEN TURNED OFF - REPLACED LEAKY C507 Unit loses memory presets when power turned off or acremoved. Replacing IC505 and IC506, batt. 501 did not correct problem.Further troubleshooting IC505 found pins 26 & 52 not changing when powerwas turned off.
SonySAVA3NOT SWITCHING TO STANDBY MODE - REPL IC801 When audio input signal was discontinued, the speakersmaintained the active on mode indefinitely. Pin 6 of IC303 was constantlylow, this is the switching signal to IC801 which is supposed to go high 5v dc, during no audio input. The transition from low
SonyHTCD159INCORRECT PART NO OF IC501 - USE PN 875283885 The part no for IC501 is incorrect. The correct # is875283885.
SonyHCDH51MNO TAPE PLAY OR CD OPERATION - REPL DEFECTIVE WIRE 1. Tape players both decks, would not stay in play mode.Head assy would move up and drop back down. 2. No CD operation from frontpanel controls. Manually install CD into unit and TOC would be read.But no control panel operation Eject, play, etc.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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