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SonySLV720HFWON'T ACCEPT CASS ONLY 1/2 WAY IN When trying to insert cass only goes in 1/2 way most of thetime. -SOLUTION : Found cass holder latch locked on upper plate, Too longdue to lack of lubrication put some mono grease on both lock pin surfacesit worked fine.
SonySLV720PICTURE WHITE NOISY BAR Picture noisy fade in/out with audio. Due to lack of capstanfeedback servo found C412 capacitor has cold solder.
SonySLV701HFNO PB, FF, REW No tape transport operation, except loading. When userpresses PLAY, the tape ejects. The drum motor overspeeds, but drum PG andFG are there, though at the wrong frequency.
SonySLV700HFNO FUNCTION AND TRACKING FLASHES One lead cold soldered causing no functions, intermittentno loading and Auto tracking light flashes.
SonySLV700POWER SUPPLY PROBLEMS This power supply is on national backorder but isn'tdifficult to troubleshoot. the section in location F thru I 3 thru 7 isthe voltage regulation section. The regulation problems I find most isQ102 shorted. If the unit doesn't oscillate, usually D106
SonySLV686HFWRONT PT NUMBER FOR ROTARY SWITCH Part number for rotary cam sw is wrong. Has flat connectorinstead of pins.
SonySLV585HFSTATIOINS ERASING OVERNIGHT, RESET EACH DAY Stations erasing overnight have to reset each day for a week.
SonySLV420NO CAPSTAN SERVO ON SLV420 No capstan servo lock, picture has noise bars and audiodistorted. Problem found at training session in Boston, undersupervision of D. Russo.
SonySLHF860DNO TUNER OPERATION Tuner locked up can't change channel no channel display. Found that a defective S001 was holding the input select pin (IC301-2) inthe line position.
SonyKV9PT40NEW IMPROVED KITCHEN BRACKET HOLDER ASS'S AVAILABLE New improved holding bracket is available. HQ COMMENTS: See correction 1 Bracket Holder Ass'y 9-908-850-01
SonyKV32XBR96SDEAD SET,IMMEDIATE SHUTDOWN,REPLACED R623,VDR602,AND IC1401 Set came in dead. Found R623 open and VDR602 hadapproximately 200 ohms. After replacing these componets, theyimmediately started to overheat.SOLUTION: IC1401 was found to be shorted. It was groundingthe audio B+.
SonyKV32XBR37FLYBACK PART NUMBER INCORRECT, CORRECT P/N 1-453-146-11 The part number for the Flyback on page 87 of the S/M is incorrect. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to Service Manual correction -1. Incorrect Correct 1-453-416-11 1-453-146-11
SonyKV32XBR37DEAD, VERT SHRUNK FROM BOTTOM AND HOR LINES, REPAIRED FOIL First, hor circuit wouldn't start and temporary jumper wasinstalled to complete open grounds. Then vert deflection was aobut 2short at bottom and fine black hor lines spaced about 1/2' covered raster.Found open foil on board at CN116 pin 11, this pin ca
SonyKV32XBR37NO PICTURE, RESOLDERED R458 ON UA BOARD Display was present but picture was missing. Serial data wasabsent from IC402/Pin 20, on the UA board. The DC voltage therewas only 2V instead of the expected 5V.
SonyKV32TW78NEW CRT, "C" BOARD AND YOKE, SEE SB 201 & SUPPLEMENT -1 New type of CRT being used. It no longer requires the Hor.Stat control, also circuit change made to Heater circuit. Yoke P/N hasalso been changed. HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to Service Bulletin number 201 andService Manual Supplement-1.

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