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SonyCMH333INTERMITTENT POWER Unit has no power. Squeeze bottom of unit, power comes on.
SonyMDP800TRAY DOOR WON'T OPEN Door won't open, just keeps flashing close on led displaywhen powered up.
SonyMDP500WRONG REF NO IC402 & IC405 SWITCHED Ordered IC402 875205679 CXA1632Q7 assuming 875904830LA6510l70. Ref no IC402 & IC405 were switched.
SonyMDP500NO INITIALIZATIONUnit would shut down after 10 to 15 seconds.
SonyMDP500SHUTS DOWN AFTER 10 TO 15 SECONDSUnit would shut down after 10 to 15 second.
SonyTCWR590DEAD - REPLACED IC801 Dead one or two segments on display lit very dim. Replace CPU ref # IC801.
SonyTCWR535UNIT HAS NO DISPLAY, NO FUNCTION - REPL IC801 Unit has no display and no functions. Main board IC801 pin71 lost -24.3V regulator. Desoldered and lifted pin 71, 24.3V returnedto the line. IC801 defective caused no display.
SonyTAN110HUM IN POWER SUPPLY - REPLACED TRANSFORMER Hum noise from power transformer.
SonyTAE80ESUNIT WILL NOT SWITCH INPUTS - REPLACED SHORTED S101 Green light stays on mode CD and never changes to othermodes. S101 shorted.
SonyTAE731INTERMITTENT RIGHT CHANNEL - RESOLDERED IC401 Intermittent right channel.
SonyTAAV670UNIT GOES INTO PROTECT AT HIGH LEVELS - REPL D801 Unit would intermittently go into protect at higher volumelevels. Found the right rear power amp to have an abnormal DC offset.Changing IC851 corrected this condition but unit would still go intoprotect above 75% volume levels. D801 was found to be inter
SonyTAAV670UNIT IN PROTECT - REPLACED REAR CHANNEL AMPLIFIER The unit would go into protect after a few minutes ofplaying. Voltage was fluctuating at the output of the rear amp driver IC.
SonySTRGX800ESNO SOUND OR FUNCTION SWITCH - CN201 AND 202 LOOSE No sound and would not switch functions.
SonySTRGX69ESPOOR AM RECEPTION Unit has poor am reception after trying controls to improve,we decided to get the tuner board. Tuner board is for 67ES and hasdifferent connectors. Not sure what to do because there is nothing inSDIS or FPR's about a different tuner board or having the

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