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SonyKV32TW77NEW CRT, "C" BOARD AND YOKE, SEE SB 201 & SUPPLEMENT -1 New type of CRT being used. It no longer requires the Hor.Stat control, also circuit change made to Heater circuit. Yoke P/N hasalso been changed. HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to Service Bulletin number 201 andService Manual Supplement-1.
SonyKV32TS46NEW CRT, "C" BOARD AND YOKE, SEE SB 201 & SUPPLEMENT -1 New type of CRT being used. It no longer requires the Hor.Stat control, also circuit change made to Heater circuit. Yoke P/N hasalso been changed. HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to Service Bulletin number 201 andService Manual Supplement-1.
SonyKV32TS36NEW CRT, "C" BOARD AND YOKE, SEE SB 201 & SUPPLEMENT -1 New type of CRT being used. It no longer requires the Hor.Stat control, also circuit change made to Heater circuit. Yoke P/N hasalso been changed. HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to Service Bulletin number 201 andService Manual Supplement-1.
SonyKV27XBR60X1 BOARD NOT SHOWN IN SCHEMATIC, SEE SUPPLEMENT-3 While the schematic calls for an X board, the actual unit Ihave has an X1 board instead. I was unable to find any supplements forthis model, but the 2nd Supplement for KV32HSR10 shows the X1 boardschematic. -HQ COMMENTS: This X1 board is covered in Sup
SonyKV27XBR37FLYBACK PART NUMBER INCORRECT, CORRECT P/N 1-453-146-11 The part number for the Flyback on page 87 of the S/M is incorrect. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to Service Manual correction -1. Incorrect Correct 1-453-416-11 1-453-146-11
SonyKV27XBR15NO MAIN CHANNELS ONLY AUX ANT., REPLACED Q414 When set is on and in TV mode the picture is snowy on allchannels. When switched to aux and signal supplied to the Aux. inputpicture is OK. Picture is only snowy in main antenna input mode. - SOLUTION: Replaced leakeage Q414. 3rd Antenna switch found vol
SonyKV27XBR10X1 BOARD NOT SHOWN IN SCHEMATIC, SEE SUPPLEMENT-3 While the schematic calls for an X board, the actual unit Ihave has an X1 board instead. I was unable to find any supplements forthis model, but the 2nd Supplement for KV32HSR10 shows the X1 boardschematic. -HQ COMMENTS: This X1 board is covered in Sup
SonyKV27V55SCAN LINE MISSING 1/3 DOWN ON SCREEN., REPLACED CRT Looks like missing scan line across the screen about 1/3 theway down from the top.
SonyKV27V55DEAD, REPLACED R607, Q601, Q602, VDR601 AND R644 Unit dead R607 open and Q601, Q602 defective. Replaced theseparts unit had no standby found R644 open. Checked VDR601 and it measured120k.
SonyKV27V15NO COLOR ON MAIN PIX, BUT PIP HAD COLOR, REPLACED "P" BOARD There was color in PIP but not on main picture. Main andPIP chroma was entering IC3204/pin 39 on the P board. But only PIPchroma was coming out on IC3204/pin 41. Note: Chroma from the UA boardis input to the P board then back to UA board. This unit
SonyKV27TW77POOR COLOR RESOLUTION,LOW G2, REPLACED C502 AND D501 Poor color, particularly red, apparent with varying channelsignal strength: OK with color bar generator, but poor red on somechannels. 1000 volt supply measured approx. 850 VDC.
SonyKV27TW70NO COLOR, LEAKY CAP C508 No color, pix and sound ok.
SonyKV27TS36PINCUSHION DISTORTION, REPLACED L510 Unit came in with a pin cushion problem. IC504, Q505, andQ503 had all been replaced. The collector of Q503 was 4.3 volts dc. Itshould be approximately 12 volts DC with a parabola.
SonyKV27TS36SERVICE BULLETIN 172R1 IS INCORRECT Service Buletin states L509 is connected to the collectorof Q503. This is not correct it state L510 is connected to thecollector of Q503. The diagram is correct. -HQ Comments: You are correct SB172R2 will be issued.

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